Best Practices Boating Safety Class
Lake Rabun Rider Safety Video (2023)
Here are five tips for driving riders on Lake Rabun.
Whether you’re surfing, wakeboarding, skiing, or tubing, these tips will give everyone on the Lake a better experience.
The focus of this video is… Distance. Direction. The points. The turnaround. And weight.
We’re going to focus on distance 200ft away. We’re going to focus on direction one end of the lake to the other. We’re going to turn wide at the points and make sure that we keep everybody safe. We’re going to really focus on the turnaround and Lastly, we’re going to focus on our weight.
Make sure we drop our weight while we’re cruising around the lake.
We hope that you found these five tips helpful, and please feel free to start implementing them when enjoying your time out on the lake.
Video Credit:
GA House Bill 121 as Passed and Signed
Final wording of the Bill and the FAQ about the bill
Gov Kemp Signed HB 121 on Tues May 2, 2023
We have a new law in Georgia to improve safety on our lakes and address concerns regarding property damage!
Governor Kemp signed HB 121 on Tuesday, May 2. The signing ceremony was attended by the following:
State Senator John F Kennedy, Kim Anderson, State Representative Victor Anderson, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, First Lady of Georgia Marty Kemp, President of Lake Rabun Association Connie Thompson, Vice President Lake Rabun Association Pat Hickey, and President of Lake Burton Association Elizabeth Gill.
(Note: See other posts on HB 121 for details)
LRA Water and Safety Update on Georgia House Bill 121
LRA update on House Bill 121 - April 2023
In the 2023 Georgia Legislative Session, HB 121 was passed by the Georgia Legislature and is expected to be signed by Governor Kemp. HB 121 provides an expanded 200-foot buffer for wake surf and wakeboarding activities on all public lakes in Georgia. Its passage represents hard work and compromise by our Rep. Victor Anderson, Sen. John Kennedy, our Water Safety Committee (WSC) chaired by Pat Hickey, the Lake Burton Civic Association, the Georgia DNR, boating industry trade associations, and other groups to address water safety and property damage resulting from large wakes. You will recall that last fall, the LRA Trustees unanimously adopted a water safety resolution authorizing support for legislation establishing a 200-foot wake surfing buffer.
The Lake Burton Civic Association (LBCA) adopted a resolution similar to ours. Together we met with our legislators to show the need for this regulation and to solicit their support. Primarily in line with our resolution(s), Rep. Anderson sponsored a bill in the Georgia House, and in March 2023 HB 121 was passed by the Georgia Assembly. Rep. Anderson and Sen. John Kennedy were instrumental supporters of this effort and sponsors of the legislation, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for their support and expertise in guiding HB 121 through the legislative process. The legislation is a compromise solution that balances the needs of many different constituencies. We will closely monitor the effectiveness of HB 121 and LRA’s related educational programs on the wake surfing situation on our lake.
I am pleased that HB 121 was approved by the Georgia Legislature and that we were able to collaborate with the LBCA on this issue. Under the outstanding leadership of Pat Hickey, our WSC represented the entire lake community and worked tirelessly to produce an outcome that would improve safety on our lake and address concerns regarding property damage. Once the Governor signs, HB 121 will take effect on July 1, 2023. The LRA will provide educational materials regarding the impact of HB 121 on our lake, including a map showing the increased buffer, and will have a discussion of HB 121 at the Memorial Day meeting. As always, your LRA executive committee and members of the WSC are available to answer questions regarding HB 121.
See you on the lake,
Connie Thompson
President, LRA
Water Safety Committee Resolution – Sept 4, 2022
Water Safety Committee Resolution - 9.4.22 - Presented at the LRA General Meeting
At the 9.4.22 Labor Day LRA general membership meeting, Pat Hickey as chair of the WSC discussed a Resolution that was ratified by motion and unanimous approval of the LRA Board of Trustees at the Trustee meeting held on 9.3.22. Development of the Resolution was guided by three general objectives, i) improve safety and manage shoreline impact of ballasted wake surf waves, ii) address the expressed desire of LRA membership for additional regulation around ballasted wake surfing, and iii) make recommendations in line with the LRA’s responsibility to represent ALL constituencies on the lake, to preserve comity across the lake community, and reach a broad community-oriented compromise.
The Resolution contains two parts, legislative and educational. The WSC believes the recommended actions are achievable and realistic and will allow progress against the objectives. The Resolution also represents a cooperative community approach. The Resolution, in its entirety, follows:
Lake Rabun Association
Water Safety Committee Resolutions
Whereas, The Water Safety Committee of the Lake Rabun Association was charged by the Executive Committee of the LRA to evaluate, develop and communicate recommendations regarding wake surf boating activities on Lake Rabun. These recommendations are to be presented to the Executive Committee and subsequently to the Trustees for review and approval for presentation to the LRA general membership at a scheduled LRA membership meeting.
On 7.31.22 all eight members of the Water Safety Committee were present at a meeting at which the following resolution was accepted by motion and unanimously adopted by the WSC:
First, the Water Safety Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that the LRA support State of Georgia legislation that would establish a 200-foot buffer between watercraft engaged in ballasted wake surfing activity and any shoreline, shoreline structure, dock or swimmer. Members of the WSC may cooperate with legislators (or their representatives and assigns) in providing or evaluating information necessary to draft and advance such legislation through the State of Georgia legislature. Such support shall in all ways comply with tax regulations around LRA status as a 501(c)4 organization.
Second, the WSC resolves to develop and implement boating safety and wake surf education materials that will be offered to the Lake Rabun community to communicate best practices in the operation of watercraft, including towed water sports activities and ballasted wake surf activities. Such educational materials are intended to provide resources allowing operation of watercraft in a safe and respectful manner that affords all lake users enjoyment of our waters.
This training will include:
- Operating instruction around unique features of our lake, such as the Narrows, the entrance to Hall’s Boathouse, the narrow entrances to Big Basin, the end of Pigeon Mountain Run closest to Hall’s and Witham Point, and boat church. Maps of the lake will be developed and distributed to illustrate the 200-foot buffer.
- Responsible wake surfing techniques promulgated by the WSC following guidance from WSC wake surf representatives. This will include development of videos on responsible wake surfing and proper wake surf boat operation to minimize impact of large wakes.
- Methods to avoid repetitive wake surf passes, to specifically encourage end-to-end lake routes that minimize wake impact upon any single point on the shoreline.
- Description of safe practices for towed activities (i.e. skiing, tubing and wakeboarding) as well as safe swimming.
- Provide non-binding recommendations regarding the size and weight of wake surf boats suitable for Lake Rabun, in line with similar advice currently available.
The manner, frequency and location of such training will be determined by the WSC and the Life Safety Committee chaired by Michael Crowe.
Pat Hickey, Water Safety Committee Chair
email: [email protected]
cell: 404-754-7829