
Volunteerism – the involvement of donated labor and expertise in community service – is an integral component of Lake Rabun Association activities. If interested, complete the form below.
Feel free to contact an LRA officer for more information about volunteering.
Who Volunteers?
Most LRA volunteers are LRA members, although non-members often contribute services for specific events or projects.
What do Volunteers Do?
Volunteers bring varied skill sets and interests to LRA activities and there is a place for all. There are born leaders and there are wonderful get-it-done followers, all of whom make vital contributions. Here’s a partial list of volunteer activities:
- Set up for meetings and events
- Serve as an Officer or on the Board of Trustees
- Organize and manage events, programs and Foundation fundraisers
- Create event marketing materials
- Assist with event décor and floral
- Negotiate LRA contracts for catering, fireworks, and other outsourced tasks
- Manage the membership database and communications
- Monitor and maintain the LRA website and social media pages
- Provide accounting and tax services
- Coordinate LRA logo merchandise purchases and sales
- Participate as hands-on workers in LRA programs, such as lake clean up, hiking trail maintenance, hemlock preservation, etc.
When does Volunteering Occur?
Many volunteers, including LRA officers and individuals in charge of Foundation fundraising efforts, are active year round. The majority of volunteer hours occur during the summer months, however, when outdoor activities on the lake are most frequent.
Where do Volunteers Serve?
LRA volunteers, depending on project, may volunteer from their home, at the Lake Rabun Pavilion where events are typically held, or as Lake Rabun ambassadors and volunteers in various other Rabun County organizations.
Why do LRA Members Volunteer?
Our volunteers explain it best:
“Without volunteers, LRA could not exist – they are simply the backbone of the entire organization. I, like many others, have developed very close friendships as a result of my LRA volunteer activities.”