
Lake Rabun Association

List of 2023 Annual Fund Donors

Please contact Steve Raeber if you are aware of any omissions or discrepancies or would like to know more about the Foundation. (404-680-8970 or [email protected])

* Named Scholarship Donor

Last Name, First Name(s)
Alston, Gayle & Jimmy
Altholz, Andrea & Ted
Anderson, Victoria
Arp, Yetty & Charlie
Asbill, Lyn & Rick
Athey, Katie & Whitfield
Balkcum, Cecille
Barnwell, Jon
Barringer, Cindy & Phil
Bassett, Julie & Randy
Battle, Clay & Al
Biggers, Janice & Jimmy
Bitensky, Laurence
Bitter, Willy
Blount, Carrie & Jeb
Bondurant, Ward
Bottoms, Mabre & Kevin
Boynton, Shelly & Paul
Fisher, Brad
Breedlove, Anne & Jim
Brown, Carolyn & Mickey
Brown, Cheryl & Owen
Brownlow, Marie & Bruce *
Bruce, Olivia & Wallace
Cantrell, Barbara & Henry, Pat
Caswell, Robbie & Jim
Cathey, Judy & Henry *
Chaddick, Barbara & Steve
Clay Contracting
Clay, Alex & Chris
Clay, Pat
Clayton Paint & Flooring
Cohen, Sherry & Jeff
Copeland, Barbara
Copeland, Bonnie & Wade
Copeland, Linda & Dean
Creech, Bonnie & Neal
Croxton, Marion & Duke
Davidson, Terri & Keith *
Deaner, Maggie & Dick
Deas, Donna Kay & Ruddy
Dick, Sylvia & Bruce
Dunn, Deborah & Chris
Edwards, Ree *
Ellis, Harriet Witham
Ewing, Thomas
Felker, Becky
Ferrara, Nancy & Eric
Fields, Paul
Flewelling, Kitty
Forrestal, Amy & Dan
Fozzard, Libby & Peter
Freeman, Christina Estate *
Funk, Florrie & Gonzalez, Thomas *
Gardner, Gita & Joe
Garrett, Susie & Chuck
Gay, Sandy & Tom
Georgia Power Foundation *
Greene, John
Greene, Margaret & Scotty
Groover, Jacqueline & Charles
Gurley, Will
Hall’s Legacy Group, LLC
Hamdy-Swink, Kathy & Swink, Mike
Hamilton Family *
Hamilton, Margaret & Joe
Hamilton, Susan & John
Hardman Family Foundation (Dot & Lam)
Harper, Toni & Tony
Harris, Donna & Jim
Harris, Inez & Tom
Harrison, Dianne & Roger
Head, Addie & Andy
Head, Jane & Jack
Hearn, Amy & John
Heeney, Jane & Kevin
Heeney, Kathryn & John
Hickey, Monique & Pat
Higgins, Desiree & Paynter
Hightower, Kay & Neil
Hinson, Lisa & Ron *
Hogan, Rhonda & Grant
Ide, Bill
Irby, Michael & Gregg
Isakson, Dianne
Isakson, Katherine & Kevin
Jernigan, Melissa & James
Jones, Jamie
King, Betty & Rob
Kennedy, Forrest
Kennedy, Margo
The Kennedy Family
King, Dorothy Anne Estate *
Kinnunen, Cherry & Niles
Kite, H. Martin Jr.
Knight, Jeni & David
Knox, Kelley & Hardman
Lake Rabun Association, Inc.
Lampe, Jo Ann
Lampert, Judy & Scott
Lanier, David P
Leeds, Stephen & Barkin-Leeds, Temme
Lines, Collin & Tom *
Llewellyn, Lee & Carl
Longino, Lisa & George *
Lowery, Beth & Vasco
Lundeen, Sherry & John
Mahaffey, Randy & Rich
Martin, Wallace
Marvin, David
Massengill, Angela & Nick *
McArthur, Mary Love
McClure Family Foundation
McClure, Gail & Joe
McCollum, Marie & Roger
McElroy, Dee & Jim
McLeod, Roberta & Bob
McGaughey, Michael & Kettles, Craig
McNeeley Foundation
McSwain, Helen Funk *
McWhirter, Daphne & Barry
Miler, Anne & Paul
Mills, Curtis & Dee
Mitchell, Scotty & Gilbert, Jason
Moonrise Distillery
Moore, Christian
Moore, Peggy & Mark
Moretz, Sandy & Scott
Murphy, Sue & Doug
Murphy, Tanya & Paul
Neidlinger, Colie & Brince *
Newkirk, Lynn & Henry
Newkirk, Suzanne & Dick
Nix, Cathy & Ken
North, Gwen *
Nunnally, Sally & McKee *
Passrella, Sara
Phears, Linda & Wayne
Pittman, Anita & Robert *
Pittman, Catherine & Arnie
Pittman, Carolyn & Louie
Pledger, Anne & Bob
Pless, Jim *
Prickett, Libby & Ernie
Prickett, Lisa & Johnny
Prince Family Foundation
Prince Jr., Larry
Raeber, Carrie & Mike
Raeber, Nancy & Scott
Raeber, Carol & Steve *
Ray, Tish & Warner
Reagan, Beth & Bobby
Rhodes, Laura & Greg *
Roden Law
Rogers, Corinna & Colin
Rooker, April & John
Roper, Barabara & Hank
Rosenbaum, Tricia & Maurice
Salwen, Joan & Kevin *
Schofield, Ruthanna
Schwieger, Taylor & Rolf
Scott, Mary Shannon & Dwight *
Scott Foundation
Sewell, Linda & Rusty
Seydel Family
Shank, Ann & Gary
Simmons, Hailey & Ryan
Simms, Sharon & Dick *
Sims Jr., Norrie & Ed
Sinkwich, Lacy & Frank
Smith, Jane & Gordon
Smith, Susan Lundeen
Smither, Sherra & David *
Snellings, Lori & Clay
Spangler, Elizabeth & Jerry
Springer, Beverly & Gary
Stack, Leckie & Bill
Stelling, Carol & Kessel
Stephenson, Regina & Robert *
Stone, Mary Cobb & Buz
Stormont, Richard M Estate *
Stribling, Carole
Stricker, Eric
Strong, Sandy & Paul
Tatum, Jackie & David
Taylor, Cindy & John
Thompson, Shadie & Chip
Thompson, Justine
Torrance, Janet & Clarence *
Tritt, Kay & Bob
Truluck, Nancy & Richard
TruVista Communications
Van Winkle, Cherie & Ed
Vaughan, Madge & Earl
Veal, Ann & Warner
Verner, Betsy & Bill
Voyles, Belle & Bob *
Warren, Darlene & Thad
Watersports Central
Watson, Martina & David
Watson, Susan & David Jr.
Webb, Ann & Denny
Weinstein, Ena
West, Laura & Tom
Wheeler, Cheryl & Troy
Wilkerson, Susan & Chris
Williams, Ann & Stan
Williams, Beth & Ridley
Williams, Marion & Hamilton
Williams, Susan & John
Willis, Polly & John
Wolff, Kelly & Charlie
* Named Scholarship Donor


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